• +100,000

    Individual arrangements planted and delivered

  • 4.9 stars

    Average Google review

I am so happy with my planters! I have used their service for over a year now, and each quarter I am blessed with a beautiful, vibrant plants that just THRIVE and bring me so much joy.

Meagan M.

I have people stop me on the street complimenting me on “my” planting skills, and I always give credit to the artists at BloomSwap who make that magic happen!

Alyssa G.

The planters are so unique and professional looking, 50x better than I could ever do on my own. They make me happy everyday!

Nicki M.

We have had BloomSwap for 3 seasons and the plants are always beautiful and healthy. They give great directions for maintaining them.

Kim W.

We just started having BloomSwap do our planters. It is as easy (and beautiful) as advertised. Definitely recommended!

Zachary A.

Farm-fresh quality

Experience the farm-to-doorstep difference

Most retail plants are stressed by the time you buy them, from time spent in transit and neglect on the shelf.

We source directly from the farm, so you get only the healthiest and most robust plants.

Instant curb appeal

Love your living space

Does your front door create an inviting atmosphere? Does it showcase your commitment to a well-kept home?

Say goodbye to an unwelcoming entrance. Turn heads and leave a lasting impression with vibrant arrangements.

Zero mess, zero hassle

Don't waste your weekend

You need another errand like you need a root canal.  Skip the trip to the nursery, the plants in the car, the dirty fingernails, and the all the cleanup. 

With our modern, convenient service you’ll have more time to focus on what truly matters while enjoying the beauty of seasonal planters effortlessly.

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